People are attached to the idea of doing what they love. What they are saying is they want to do meaningful work they are passionate about.
The error is this idea of doing what you love is too vague. What people love doing are hobbies not work. It also runs the risk of turning something you love into something you resent.
Instead, there is a way to reframe this idea so you love and are passionate about what you do. This is what serves you long term versus always seeking to do what you love. For example, someone may love fitness or fashion. So they begin training people or working in retail.
What they soon find out is the hours are crazy and they were not prepared for the intense daily human interaction. Yet, their passion will overshadow the long hours or working holidays, if they find meaning in seeing people transform their lives, or fascination in people’s reaction to the latest trends, Do you see the distinction?
Seeking to do what you love can be problematic without understanding the work. Choosing to love the work you do is what brings passion and meaning to you.