
Who is in Your Crew?

There’s a trend I want leaders to change this year.

Something people rarely do is give credit to the people who contribute and add value to their life.  The thank you and gratitude posts begin and end around Thanksgiving. The happy holidays carry us through to the New Year. The New Year New You trends like nothing else.

And in the new you trend, there is rarely talk of how that new you is going to show more gratitude towards your crew. The real ones. The ones there in good and bad times, tough and easy times, giving honest feedback and sincere celebration. They are rarely discussed.

This is a big deal to me because I am so grateful for the people in my life who cause me to stretch.

Thankful for the people with amazing creative ways to help me.
Thankful for the people open to allowing me to help them.
Thankful for the people coming from a place of gratitude, enthusiasm, and high energy.
These are the people you need to get around you and then find ways to add value to their lives.

These are the people you need in your crew and when you do you will see why focusing on who to add to your life is so powerful.

Because without great people around you, all the goals and resolutions become that much harder.

It becomes harder to move out bad people when you do not have great people to fill the void.
It becomes harder to grow when you are not around other people who want to see you grow.
It becomes harder to win when you are not around other people who want to win with you.

So when you find the uplifting people, be grateful, share your appreciation often, and get excited for
how your life begins to transform.

Who is in your crew that you want to thank?

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