
Hit the Reset Button

I have the perfect formula to start the year for leaders.

Hit the reset button =
Reestablish expectations + Review values + Ask employees to recommit

The start of the new year is the perfect time to hit the reset button. Starting with these 3 actions will set you and your team up for success all year long.

1. Reestablish Expectations

Leaders are always looking for the “ideal” opportunity to talk about expectations. The beginning of the year provides a natural opportunity to reestablish expectations without it feeling like a confrontation on a specific issue. Don’t miss it! 

Before you dive back into discussing the day-to-day tasks, structure your meetings to reestablish expectations. Write them down on the agenda. Talk about each individually. Clearly define what is expected of each person.

When you reestablish expectations, everyone knows what is required of them moving forward. Can you imagine performing your job at the highest level without knowing what is expected of your performance? By reestablishing expectations now, you’re providing your team with a clear path for success.

Added bonus – If you’re not already in the habit of holding regular 15-minute Milestone Meetings with your people, this will be the perfect time to practice! Start the routine this month and maintain ongoing meetings throughout the year so expectations are always clear and top of mind. (Need more info on what a Milestone Meeting is? Contact me for info.)

2. Review Values

Take the poster list off the lunch room wall and review your values with your team.

Values are guiding principles that help your people make decisions and perform in alignment with them. Your values should be evident in everything you as a leader say and do as well as your team. Having clear values simplifies your role as a leader because your team can make decisions in your absence.

Without core values being clear and communicated often, people can feel uncertain. This uncertainty is at the foundation of a lot of issues in team cultures across organizations.

Start the year clear on your values. When you do, you create space for your people to grow and set a standard that you as the leader can uphold.

3. Ask for Recommitment 

Now that you’ve reestablished expectations and reviewed your values, it’s time to individually ask your team to recommit to their roles.

This one can feel scary for some leaders. “You want me to ask my employees to recommit to their roles? What if they say no?!”

In order to build high performing teams, you need every member to be 100% committed to performing their roles. 

Asking for a recommitment opens up the conversation to reignite excitement about your employee’s contribution to your organization’s overall goal -or- discuss where your employee’s skills are better suited. Prepare for both outcomes. Either way, your team will be better for it in the long term if you take the time to address where each of your employee’s stand.

You’ve entered a new year. You get to choose how you lead moving forward.

Hit the reset button. 

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