I have noticed one characteristic among great leaders that most other leaders are missing.
Most leaders, at a certain point, can become complacent with themselves and with their people.
Great leaders, at a certain point, know they need to expand themselves and their people.
This may seem like an obvious distinction but make no mistake the battle between contracting and expanding as a leader is a daily one.
Because, as we have seen in recent events, things can change very, very fast.
And when things start changing fast, it shows who the leaders are that have slowed down and who the leaders are that are ready to grow.
So how does a leader win the battle to go from complacent with the status quo to commanding forward progress?
They start with themselves first by finding new ways to grow and setting new goals to be the example for their people.
They engage with their people in discussion of their own growth opportunities and establishing stretch goals so they can remain focused.
Simple process – Be the example first, then lead by example with your people.
Keep this one characteristic at the forefront of your leadership brand and you will not only create great results, you will create great leaders.