Think about the last time an employee of yours walked in to your office.
They sit down, close the door, and start talking.
In that moment it can be hard to tell if what they’re saying is coming from a place of being entitled or empowered.
There is one key to telling the difference between the two.
Entitled – They expect you to do something for them they didn’t earn. They want to take as much as they can to maintain their career.
Empowered – They expect you to help them because they need your help to learn, grow, and perform. They have an urgency about them to add meaning and purpose to their careers.
Both may feel threatening at first. So it is crucial you tell the difference rather than make assumptions.
Because having an employee ask you for help to grow in their career is big deal. And it is your opportunity to support them.
Not every employee feels empowered to ask for this type of help. Not every manager gets the privilege to provide it to them.
#heyAnne #leadyourpeople #entitled #empowered
#knowyourworth #loveyourpeople