When it comes to managing your people, how you say something to them is often more important than what you say.
So here are three ways to support you when you are making corrections:
1st – Create the space first by asking if they are open to feedback.
2nd – When they are open, ask open ended questions that allow them to fill in the blanks so you can find out where they are coming from.
3rd – Clarify what they are saying than offer your feedback as options rather than making them wrong.
This process creates structure and removes intense or sarcastic tonality. It also creates space to respond, rather than react.
Criticism usually comes quick, charged, and creates a “you versus me” situation.
Corrections come through a process of understanding, reviewing, and a “you and me” situation.
Creating clarity during these interactions will make a huge impact on their outcome.
Start doing this ASAP and watch how your people become more responsive, productive, and appreciative.