So often I hear people receive compliments then quickly defer, deflect, or downright deny them. Rarely do I hear someone accept them with sincerity.
This is not a badge of honor and actually does more harm than good.
If this is you, as it has been many of us before, here are three reasons you must confront your compliments;
1st – Reciprocity; the person is giving you a compliment for a reason, by not receiving it, you are stifling their opportunity to give.
2nd – Reassurance; the compliment gives you feedback based on its content. Let it reassure you, remember it is ok to receive positive feedback!
3rd – Rare; it is much more common for people to critique and judge others.
Rarely do people share heartfelt, sincere compliments. Receive and appreciate it for its rarity. So next time someone gives you a compliment, acknowledge them and appreciate their willingness to give.