The idea of having to have a difficult conversation with an employee, or anyone for that matter, can be scary.
Many calls I get from clients involve some form of an attempt at avoiding conflict.
Usually after the conflict has gone on far too long already.
There are two steps you can use to handle this, before yours goes too far –
1st – Reframe your position to that of a coach.
2nd – Reframe the conversation to focus on transformation.
Reframing your position and your focus creates a new dynamic.
It lessens the intensity of the conflict while allowing you both to seek agreement.
This agreement sets the tone for transformation so you both grow from the conversation.
Next time you need to have what appears to be a confrontational conversation, apply these two simple steps.
Coach versus confrontation, and transformation instead of accusation.
This is what the best leaders do and how they train new leaders to be the best too.