There is one phrase that holds teams and organizations back more than anything else.
That phrase – “It’s how we’ve always done it.”
In fact, most people have heard that in their family before they even made it into the workplace.
Tradition has a place within companies, families, and organizations.
Yet tradition is not a reason not to evolve.
So instead of saying “it’s how we’ve always done it” and leaving it at that, keep going…
Keep going by saying –
?”but I’m open to new ideas.”
?”but what are your thoughts on XYZ?”
?”but what are you seeing that could be better?”
Because there may be a case to keep doing things the same way you always done them.
?Yet you won’t know if the tradition is still worth keeping or if it is time for something new unless you are open to testing it.
Starting today, pay attention to how often you say or hear “it’s the way we’ve always done it.”
?Then ask yourself if that is the way you should continue to do it or if you can do better.