?Meetings may not be fun, but they make all the difference.
One of the things I remind leaders of all the time is the value of conversations.
The type of conversations done in person, face-to-face, and on a consistent basis – in which the focus is on the employee.
?These Milestone Meetings have the power to influence employee performance exponentially.
Milestone Meetings have this power because they are:
1️⃣ Short – 15 minutes max
2️⃣ In-person or via Facetime/Zoom (preferably in-person)
3️⃣ Bi-weekly
These three factors set you up for massive success in connecting with, investing in, and supporting your people.
❤️Employees primary concern is that they are not valued and that their leader’s do not care about them.
✔️It is not always about money.
✔︎It is not always about benefits.
✔︎It is almost always the feeling of not being appreciated.
?Milestone Meetings keep you talking to your people.
?Milestone Meetings keep your people talking to you.
?Milestone Meetings keep you and your people engaged in their growth.
How you show your people that you appreciate them is by actually appreciating and supporting them.
There is no magic to leading your people, there is magic in being a leader for your people.