Many companies feel like once their new hire accepts their offer, the company’s work is done.
And now it is up to the them to prove their worth and gratitude.
Yet, when your new hire accepts your offer is when your work begins, not ends.
Yes, an offer needs to be appreciated, but that is just the beginning for both employer and new hire.
What happens next during the on-boarding process is how a relationship gets built based on mutual appreciation.
The new hire is excited and wants to do a great job.
The company needs to do everything they can to help the new hire succeed.
There is no entitlement for either the candidate or company.
Instead, a mutual exchange is created helping each other become the best they can be.
To become the best both candidate and company need to give their best and receive the best from one another.
For the company, the on-boarding process is an amazing time to give as much as you can to set the tone for the candidates experience.
This on-boarding time is so important because you only get one chance to do go through it with a new hire.
So treat your on-boarding process for your new great people with the care and intention it deserves.