One consistent theme found in leadership is the pain associated with performance reviews.
The pain usually shows up in a question,
Q: Hey Anne, can you provide a “template” performance evaluation tool?
A: I don’t provide templates, but Google does 🙂
My response and their question is not about a document. Instead, the question is about the time and energy associated with the performance feedback process. That with compounded by subpar note taking and absent communication during the evaluation period.
Because performance reviews are SO IMPORTANT every company must design the right tool for their identity and outcome.
The people, vision, mission, and values created by your company. Why use forms produced outside your company?
Creating your own simplifies, streamlines and channels focus on replacing your pain.
Answer these before creating a long form with a complicated rating scale. Why are you conducting annual performance evaluations? – What is your goal/what are you trying to do with these evaluations? – What are you hoping to communicate to your employees through this process? Create a form that you will use and that supports the message you want to convey to your employees.